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Watersports in Tanjung Benoa, Bali

Tanjung Benoa Bali, a resort in Bali such as water Jetsky, Banana Boat, Parasailing, Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, Canoeing, Flying Fish, and Turtle Island. Of course this is very interesting for those of you who like to tour in Bali Watersports.

Geographically, Tanjung Benoa is located at the south end - east (southeast) near the island of Bali Nusa Dua, in the administrative area of Tanjung Benoa district, Badung regency. That they are located at the narrow end of the promontory called him. Yet it is precisely this that caused quite unique.

With a beautiful beach and sea, making Tanjung Benoa resort known as the water or the term is called Watersports. Except surfing, in Tanjung Benoa encountered many water sports such as Jetsky, Banana Boat, Parasailing, Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, Canoeing, Flying Fish, and Turtle Island (Turtle Island).

From the name you would have guessed that it resembles the shape of a banana. Maximum of 6 people up on the banana boat, speed boat and a banana boat pulled into the sea. Until the middle of a speed boat accident that sharp turn going backwards banana boat and all the passengers on it. Of course, all the passengers had been wearing a life jacket so it will not sink. However, a small accident could happen happened that fellow passengers can be bumped.

Maybe you've heard the familiar name. Yes ... Jetski Watersports are one with water jets mounted on high speed. If you climb this Jetski at Tanjung Benoa, you will be accompanied by experienced instructors who have to avoid fatal accidents. So your safety could be maintained.

Port Elizabeth "NELSON MANDELA BAY" or nickname FRIENDLY CITY

POrt Elizabeth or also known as the Nelson Mandela Bay is one of the most sought after tourists in South Africa. Known as the "Friendly City". Cities in Eastern Cape province is surrounded by clean beaches and is one of the port city.

The buildings there is a heritage building from the 19th century. One of them is the Opera House is a Victorian-style architecture is still in use. The city is also the richest city with a collection of buildings Noveau Art in South Africa as well as the bustling port city and as the motor industry.

Enchantment of the Eastern Cape's Nelson Mandela / Port Elizabeth. With five BIOMA who meet here, making this region the list to be visited by tourists to enjoy a variety of geographic from South Africa. There's even a rumor that the city was the inspiration for it the popular book The Lord of the Ring because of the beauty of the sunshine coast and parts of other beach unspoiled.

Initially the city was inhabited by primitive tribes Khoi and San in the near Sundays Rivers. After the British settlers arrived in 1820, this city quickly became the entrance to the British settlers to South Africa despite opposition from residents along with the original. Until 1820, Sir Rufane named this city as Port Elizabeth (in honor of his late wife Elizabeth) in India.

Data and Facts
Name: Nelson Mandela Bay / Port Elizabeth
Province: Eastern Cape
Population: 1,005,779 inhabitants
Elevation: 0 m above sea level
Geographic: Being in the shade of Algoa Bay
Climate: Sub tropical with winter rain. Having a cool air temperature between 20 C - 9 C during winter and 25 C - 17 C in summer
Economic sectors: the motor industry, Tourism

Pulau Penang, Malaysia. Places eliminate saturation

Penang Island, the island which he said a lot of historical and arranged such as Singapore.
So come to Penang Hill straight to the Flag. This flag hill was open from 7 am. Good come early because it's probably still quiet. We came rather late, full parking lot. Need a drive of about half an hour to find parking only. Not to mention when the hill train ticket queue, it can be allotted to two hours. Cheap ticket prices, RM 4 for adults and RM 2 for children. That one-way.

Train hill in Penang is the first train artificial hill in the entire British royal colony. Built in 1882, is a cable-drawn carriage. Very steep driveway. Maybe slope about 60 degrees. The journey from the bottom up to the top of the hill takes about half an hour by train twice. High hill about 420 m above sea level.

At the top of the hill there where tunneling. Maybe this time the hill was used as a reconnaissance into the sea. There was also a Hindu temple and mosque that is not how much. In front of Hindu temple there is an old cannon.

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